Friday, September 5, 2008

Another School Year and Soccer Season!

Welcome to the scattered thoughts of geek girl turned soccer mom!  Thanks for taking the ride.

My three boys have just begun their new school year.  My seventh grader, who ought to be called Mini-Me because he's even more anally retentive than I am, already had his middle school class order and classroom numbers memorized the weekend before school began, and was working on memorizing the teachers' names too.  My fifth grader is completely at the other end of the spectrum.  He's happy go lucky and very honest and primal, but suffers from attention deficit (which he partially tried to blame on poor eyesight but that's another story) and just conquered his first homework battle last night, completing a simple assignment six hours after he arrived home.  The youngest, a big shot in the second grade, is every bit as smart as the others but knows he's cute as a button so tries to exploit that whenever possible.  He is taking a break from soccer this season because he was really never interested in playing the game last year; his interests instead were socializing with his teammates, sucking up to the coach, and checking himself out in his soccer uniform.

I'm glad this is a short week!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, S! I will have Rachel add you to our blog so I'll know when you post something also might get you new readers if people reading my blog see my link to yours. I'm so excited!

xoxo Jen