Tuesday, September 16, 2008


How wonderful that I can learn some things right along with the kids!  My seventh grader had to research French cheeses as a side project for his French class.  He made a poster with pictures of nine different cheeses and a fun description of each.  Who knew which are made with goat's or sheep's milk, or which date back to the early centuries A.D.?  (OK if I were a chef I'd probably know, but anyone who's eaten at my house is aware that I'm kind of a hack in the kitchen.  Good news is:  I haven't poisoned anybody...yet.)  

I actually have been of some use...because I studied French during my senior year of high school and during my undergraduate days, I have some books around the house.  So I was able to give my son some extra vocabulary words.  He felt he wanted to learn more than the teacher was providing.  Sigh...makes this geek mom so proud!

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