Thursday, March 4, 2010

Burning It at Both Ends

This week, the Little Shop of Horrors rehearsals at the middle school are until 8:00 every night. It's "tech week" which means they are doing costumes and makeup. A real hoot, of course, showing 11 and 13 year old boys how to remove the residue from eye liner and mascara when they wake up in the morning! However...they didn't arrive home until 8:30 last night and then had to begin with showers and homework. (They get food brought to them by Dad or Mom in the middle of rehearsal so they've already been fed.)

I actually felt sorry for my normally smug and capable eighth grader. He would ordinarily retire for the evening at 9:00 on a Wednesday because of jazz band rehearsal Thursday morning; I have to get him to the school by 6:50. (Tuesdays too!) Well, he managed to complete homework in two subjects during breaks in rehearsal activities, but still had three subjects to go once he'd arrived home, taken off makeup, and showered (by then it was after 9:00). He finally was finished at 10:30.

It was not pretty to see him try and get up at 6 this morning. He finally trudged downstairs at 6:20 and didn't have time for cereal and milk. Banana, Nutri-Grain bar, and orange juice instead, plus some cheddar crackers thrown in the backpack for a mid morning carb boost in case he needs it. Only one more night of this, and then he can sleep as long as he likes on Saturday morning.

Next Thursday I don't know how the kids will get any homework done either. The play performance is at 7, and I assume we won't get them home until well after 9. I think they should ask their teachers for a mulligan, or volunteer to do extra work over the weekend if they can delay some of their assignments to Monday. Although the 6th grade workload for Son #2 isn't anywhere near as heavy. Sigh, work hard.

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