Saturday, March 20, 2010


Earlier this week, from Saturday morning until Thursday afternoon, I was on a business trip in Portland, Oregon. The cherry blossoms are in full swing there already; the winters must be a whole lot less severe than in New York. We had a few nice sunny days there, and I was impressed that I didn't have to use my umbrella during all the walking I did. Still, because the last snowstorm isn't so distant a memory, and because we had some nasty rain and high winds last weekend here on Long Island, I expected to be catapulted right out of my springlike mood once I arrived back at JFK airport and emerged into the open air.

Wrong! How I love being mistaken sometimes! It was a fairly warm evening on Thursday, even at 11PM. On Friday morning, it was a bit chilly but by afternoon we were having a spring day. On my way home from work I recall smiling as I drove through the golf course near our house, seeing plenty of people out playing. When I was walking up to the house, I realized that little shoots were sprouting along the border of the garden where I had planted bulbs in the fall. Yippee!

Today is so gorgeous that I hope all Lawn Guylanders have been out enjoying it. The big construction paper flowers have just been placed in the front windows of the house, which has my eight year old filled with glee. Tomorrow we'll plant some hostas on the shady side of the house. Say goodbye to another winter. Mmmmm.

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