Saturday, April 3, 2010


This morning, again due to my "advanced age" of 45, I had extra medical tests in the womanly regions, added to the annual rap sheet. I had the mammogram earlier in the week, and the pap smear last week. Today I went for the halo test, which is tantamount to being hooked up to a milking machine on a farm. Heat and massage are used to attempt to express breast fluid, and this fluid is tested for the presence of cancer cells. This supposedly beats the mammogram for early detection by something like six years. New this year: a pelvic sonogram (same as I had during the early stages of my pregnancies) which my gynecologist recommends for all patients over 45. Yippee.

So I saw the doc after I had the two tests this morning. He went through all the results. "Pap smear: negative; mammogram: negative; halo: negative; sono: negative." I remarked that I'm usually not so comfortable with so much negativity. His response? "Where I come from, that's good news. Have a nice holiday." Amen to all of that.

Hope all of my Easter-celebrating friends and family have a wonderful time with loved ones.

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