Wednesday, December 21, 2011

By the Way, Did I Tell You My Relative is a Hoarder?

I'm getting flashbacks from the aftermath of my first miscarriage 16 years ago. We'd just told people I was expecting, and I lost the baby after 13 weeks of pregnancy. I felt very alone, for more than one reason. I recall being amazed when women I'd known for years started coming forth with their own tales of losing pregnancies and the associated heartbreak. Why had the topic never come up before? Because it's not the kind of thing you'd mention in casual conversation, or in deep conversation for that matter, unless it also happens to someone else. Then you have an intense desire to share and commiserate, as quickly as you can get out the information.

After I told the "hoarding" story a girlfriend of mine whom I've known since high school (30+ years ago, ahem, why bother to deny it) came forth with her own, very personal, story about a relative of hers and her own stress in dealing with the situation. I was very grateful for the realization that this is happening to other people in "my world" and that once again I am not alone.

I hope many of us will reach out to others this holiday season, and beyond, so that they too will not feel alone.

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