Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Compound It!

Last night hubby got home from work later than expected, and had to go to a 6:00 physical therapy appointment, so I had to pick up the littlest from after school care. We barely had time to eat before Son #1's choral concert, so homework had to be done later in the evening. (Concert was fab, BTW: mixed chorus was outstanding, and the chamber group of 14 kids was son being only one of three tenors.)

The language arts assignment was to find as many compound words as possible, to fill two sides of a piece of paper. The teacher said that the record to date was 93 words. Well, that's all my kid had to hear: a challenge. After coming up with around 50 at random, we pulled out a cookbook and a newspaper. He was actually squealing with delight of discovering "teaspoon" and "fireman." By bedtime, we had 150 words and of course could have found more, but our third grader was thrilled.

At times like this, I'm thrilled too; I've passed on my love of words! Son #1 seems to have clamped on as well. Jury's still out on the middle guy. :-)

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