Wednesday, December 30, 2009

See What I've Gone and Done...

I originally tried the blogging thing to see how hard it was, to see what the big deal was, and to see whether it gave me the release I was looking for. After all, one can't put too much prose on FB and least to have it end up as pretty and as compact as it is here in the blogosphere.

I guess I've walked the walk. This year, as of the other day, I posted 129 times, as opposed to 50 times in 2008. Hopefully everyone's not sick of my photos and my blathering on about the kids and my home life. I'm not one of those could-you-just-vomit parents whose children never seem to do anything wrong, though; you ought to be getting a balanced picture of the smiles and the tears and the overall chaotic way of life.

I look hopefully towards 2010 for improvements in personal economy, global politics, kindness to one's fellow man (woman/child/pet/etc.), stress level, and outlook for the physical state of the planet. Happy New Year to all, with fondest regards.

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