Monday, December 7, 2009

Words to the Wise

Last night we'd meant to go out to an early dinner for hubby's birthday (with my mom treating, yippee) but he didn't arrive home 'til 4:30 and that would have been cutting it too close due to Son #1's clarinet lesson at 7:00. So, we went with the next best thing and ordered in Chinese food. (Even I, normally Supermom, didn't feel like cooking after such a busy weekend.)

While none of our fortune cookies contained an actual fortune (f'rinstance, "You will be hungry again in one hour") there was some advice worth remembering. Namely:

It takes less time to do a thing right than it does to explain why you did it wrong.

Never depend on others to make you happy. You can do it yourself.

Don't just spend time. Invest it.

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