Monday, December 28, 2009

Putting Gift Cards on Ice

The day after Christmas, we bowled in an adult/junior tournament, same as we'd done the day after Thanksgiving. We'd asked to be placed with our friend C and his eleven year old son, who lives in MA with his mother most of the year but is like a fourth kid of mine when he's in town. During the bowling, C pulled me aside and asked whether we were supposed to be having the kids exchange holiday presents. I shrugged, since we hadn't discussed it this year.

After a few minutes of talking about gift cards, I suggested we just take the kids somewhere as their holiday present. We settled on ice skating...C had never taken his son, and hadn't been in a long time himself...not since his youth when he skated at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Guess what: they had a blast when we went yesterday, and they want to make it an annual tradition.
Take a look:

Oh, and, for some reason, I bowled better on tournament day than I have in years, a 554 series (196, 167, 191). I'm carrying a 135 average in our league. Hubby had a wisecrack about seeing how well I'll bowl in two weeks when it's league night. Killjoy!

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