An old classmate of mine lost her gorgeous 17 year old daughter over the weekend to suicide. Bright future. All county soccer player. Already enrolled in college for the fall. Indescribably sad. We sat all the kids down last night and told them that they need to talk about whatever is bothering them...teenage angst happens to everybody...mean kids are just mean and it's all about them, only them...but also they must reach out to help other kids who speak of desperation and depression. However bad it seems, there's always something that can be done about it. And there's no "reset" button after an act like this one.
Last night as I was running errands after dinner -- mindless stuff like dropping off books at the library, putting mail in the box, and picking up a dozen eggs -- pieces of verses began to gallop through my mind, so I wrote them down.
I told my sons about you
To save them from your fate
And now your mom's without you
For you it was too late
What ever were your demons?
What ever were your troubles?
What ever were your secrets?
What ever were your struggles?
What ever were you thinking
When you drew your final breath?
What ever was so awful
That it made you look to death?
An athlete so strong
A future so bright
How could so much go wrong
That it couldn't be made right?
However hopeless or broken
You thought your world to be
Every time your name is spoken
We'll relive the tragedy
We'll never know what mattered
That could only be solved by dying
To leave a parent's dreams shattered
And leave so many hearts crying