Monday, March 29, 2010


I've been waiting for this all my life...45 1/2 years...yesterday morning I stopped by 7-11 to pick up the Sunday paper and saw my own personal Nirvana waiting for me by the cash register: they've now come out with Coconut M&M's! I remember being so thrilled whenever one of my cronies in the college dorm got a box of chocolate with coconut in it, because I usually got to eat all of the coconut pieces. Now I'm a lot more reasonable with my treats but I just had to splurge on the 210 calories. Ahhhh.

This afternoon I made the charoset for tonight's Passover feast, which also has a lot of nutty flavor...for those who don't know what that is, it represents the mortar between the bricks in the "Ten Commandments" bible story. We eat it on matzo during the Passover seders to bring out the symbolism, and also because it's yummy! It's made with grape juice and lots of cinnamon (mine is, anyway). This gentile girl living in a house of Jews has modified a lot of the recipes I've received over the years so they conform to our own personal style. Having a roast turkey breast too, sweet potato pie, and matzo ball soup. Mmmm.

Happy Passover! And happy Easter week too.

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