Sunday, February 22, 2009

No Room

On Thursday morning I finished painting Son #3's bedroom, and yesterday morning I started painting in Son #1's room.  Son #2 is the host of a slumber party.  It was great to see all three mattresses side by side in his room -- they fit with just a few inches to spare.  The little guy will go back into his new blue room tonight, after hubby puts the plates on the outlets and the furniture goes back in place.

Last night, after dinner, the kids were goofing around loudly while hubby was trying to watch the Rangers game.  After this went on for a while, hubby ordered Son #3 to go to his room.  Son #2 quickly pointed out, "He doesn't have a room!"  Even hubby had to laugh at that one.  Right along with the rest of us.

The oldest one, whose room is over the garage, has his ceiling finished and the rest of the room primed.  He also chose blue (slightly darker shade) and that will be begun today.

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