Yesterday morning, while two of the three were at religion and the other had his nose in a reading assignment, I went through and made a list of all the items to be donated. It wasn't nearly time to pick up the kids yet, so I decided to look through the bins in the basement to see what else might be appropriate. It was like The Sorcerer's Apprentice; each time I saw a bin that might have a few items that would be too small or not suitable for my fussy little fashion prince, I realized that there were a few more applicable things in the bin behind it.
So there were lots of summer shirts and shorts that will be too small by next year...and a bunch of long pants in the size 6 bin that won't be long enough by next fall...and some extra hand-me-down winter clothes that fit him now but won't next winter. I also took the final step of donating all the old soccer cleats that the other two outgrew...since The Prince has made it clear that he is definitely not a team sports person. No cleats needed to climb a tree or swing from the monkey bars.
Ultimately I filled three large clear trash bags and emptied four large plastic bins. No guilt with the time taken, because all the Christmas stuff is already done. Feels great! Should I have been doing all that six days before Christmas? Of course not...but what the hey...
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