Friday, November 4, 2011

The Victim

On Monday, a dear friend will be burying her husband of 10+ years, a sweet sweet man in his young 50's whose body was laid to waste by lymphoma. This was the second marriage for my friend, and I am happy for her that she was able to jump on the merry go round the second time and find joy.

I feel little patience and sympathy at the moment for those people who choose to sit and watch life pass by them, citing many excuses. Too tired, too scared, too sick, too ugly, too fat, not smart enough, not creative enough, too good for the rest of the world, not living in the right place, not educated enough, not experienced enough, too shy, too poor. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Histories of successful people contain countless unsuccessful attempts prior to finding the right stuff. But they were out there doing something, and kept at it. Some people who are not doing anything are lucky enough to be extended a helping hand or to be thrown a life preserver to prevent disaster. Pride takes over and stops some of these people from accepting help. So they stay where they are. But then, in my mind, people who refuse to act are making a plan of action called inertia. So this is what they wanted: nothing more than what they have.

I felt physically ill this morning when I got the news of my friend's husband's passing. He was pursuing a wonderful life with a wonderful woman. And then that life was taken from him. It also makes me physically ill to see others play the victim card. They feel it gives them a valid reason NOT to be pursuing a life because of various fears and anxieties. I hope they don't have major regrets when their lives are taken from them on that future day. It's all a shame.

Go and make your life worth the time it takes to live it.

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