Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hockey Dad

Recently, hubby found out about a deck hockey place near our house.  The new owner has an adult league in full swing, but is trying to get a kids' league going.  One Saturday afternoon a few weeks ago, hubby took the two older boys there to check it out.  They loved it!  They have been playing there for about an hour each Saturday since then.  Hubby now refers to himself as Hockey Dad (since Mom stays home with the little guy, who doesn't like hockey).  Funny coincidence...we mentioned this to our dentist (a friend of mine from high school) since his son is really into hockey.  Turns out that the dentist and the new owner of the deck hockey place met there about 15 years ago when they were both playing in a league.  Isn't it wonderful how life's circles go round and round.  What do we think of the kids all clad in their gear?  Pretty impressive, eh?

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