Monday, May 4, 2009

Caught the Worm...Whew!

Last summer, we had switched to a new pediatrician's office.  We'd been having trouble getting timely appointments because, even though our old doctor had great hours, his partner had flown the coop and he was stretched too thin.  Our new office had six doctors, yippee!  Well...when I called in July to ask for appointments for the kids' physicals, I was politely told that there were slim pickings for late August into early September.  We managed to get them all seen by the end of September, just under "school nurse radar."  

So I, the princess of anally retentive planning, asked when I should call for the following year's appointments.  I was told that they begin booking up quickly in May.  (!)  As soon as I bought the 2009 wall calendar, I wrote a little note on the May page.  Dutifully, I called this morning and was told that, yes, they have indeed begun the process.  With no fuss, I was given appointments for all three kids for the week after summer camp is over.  A sigh of relief has been expelled.

Not only am I incredibly unlucky if I wait until the last minute, having procrastinated, but these kinds of things give me heartburn and keep me up at night.  One down, however many more to go...   :-)

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