Recently we have had this annoying little problem. Water has been dripping from our freezer down into our refrigerator, and creating little puddles on shelves and inside bins. It's even more entertaining when it refreezes and we have to chip ice off things. Some foods don't like being in puddles, and spoil more quickly. For instance, cucumbers get all mushy and gross. Bleah.
Tonight, hubby took all of the food out of the freezer, with help from Son #2, to see whether he could find the drainage tube and see what was going on. Sure enough, it was frozen solid. He had the boy bring the hair dryer out of the bathroom to try to heat the tube...not good enough. Finally they brought up the vacuum cleaner (we have a central vacuum system, which my friend T calls a 30 foot anaconda) and that did the trick. We're going to see what happens over the next day or so. No idea how old this fridge/freezer combo is; it was here almost nine years ago when we bought the house. Wish us luck.
Enjoy the photos. Note that the electrician does not have plumber's crack, or even electrician's crack. :-)
you feed a family of 5 out of that tiny fridge???!! :-)
And were your victims aware they were being photographed?
buy a new refrig OH and we have all seen the electricians ass before
Arthur: yes they were aware of the camera, only maybe not 'til after the flash!
Faith: no need to go into detail on how you've seen your brother in various stages of undress over the years. And I shall spare you my own stories!
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