Thursday, April 2, 2009


There has been a flurry of activity among my high school classmates over the past several days, both on email and Facebook.  We lost two people in our graduating class this week, one to heart failure and one to liver failure.  However old I feel when trying to keep up with the kids (on ice skates, or elsewhere) it doesn't seem right that our class of 1982 should begin to have deaths from these kinds of physical ailments.  (Now you know how old I am, for sure...)  The few others who've passed on have been victims of accidents or congenital defects.

We only get this one body, and I'm resigned to being in the stage of life that I know I must take care of it.  Heck, I've even been putting special high mileage motor oil in the mini van for the past two years...148K miles and counting!  Even after I went on my big diet after freshman year of college, I still ate whatever I felt like eating as long as the calories added up.  Ice cream for dinner was AOK.  Breakfast being the biggest meal of the day, it was all right if I had some kind of pastry.  Since I'm a cheese junkie, many days I would be eating a bagel with cheese for lunch...muenster, american, provolone, cheddar, whatever.  Sigh, those days are over.

No more regular milk or even 2%.  Oatmeal for breakfast at least every other day.  Not much cheese at all for lunch now...WAAH!...and let's see whether my semi-high cholesterol count will be coming down anytime soon.  Years ago I thumbed my nose at most veggies but my family will tell you (with tones of disgust) that I often forget about the meat at dinner time and fill my plate with butternut squash or something equally healthy. 

Will any of this help me live longer, to be more of a burden to my kids and grandkids?   :-)
I suppose time will tell...

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