Both older boys, who are rabid about hockey, eagerly chose hockey skates over figure skates when asked. We found out from a rink guard that the hockey skates are easier for newbies to the ice; all well and good there. All three kids did pretty well, though we had to go back and retighten the laces around their ankles to make sure they weren't flip flopping all over. My seven year old began by holding on to the wall as he went around the rink, and then at one point let go to see what would happen. He began to walk gently on the skates, and that worked for him. Although he fell a handful of times throughout the session, he really did get the hang of it. Mom, who does not have such rhythm or coordination, took it slow and sure, and had to work to keep up with him at various points.
I was pretty impressed with myself, actually. I only fell once, and that was when I extended my hand to Son #2 after he'd taken a tumble. I should have been more sensible about that; I can't even lift him on dry ground. What made me think I could haul a hundred pound kid up from the ice while balancing tenuously on two thin blades myself? Oh well. I think we'll be going again soon, when we find out the spring schedule. The rink is indoors and is supposed to stay open year round. This should help to pump up my exercise routine, which normally consists of toting the laundry up and down stairs. I know it's pathetic, but at least I'm honest!
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