Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wax to the Side of the Head?

This is a sequel to yesterday's post. As the day progressed, hubby was feeling so much better after having all that wax removed from his ear canal that he called me at work and said that he would gladly take our seven year old to his friend's party at Fun Zone (so I wouldn't have to leave early to get there by 5:45). Further, because he was tired of remaining cooped up in the house, he would stay there instead of merely dropping off. OK, sounds great, thanks. After I hung up the phone I'm thinking, "Who was that and why was he speaking in my husband's voice? Wait a minute, do I really want to know?"

So I went home and, in a relatively quiet house, cooked a lovely dinner of sauteed fish and roasted sweet potatoes for myself and the two older boys (who had been squirreled away in the corner trying to beat Sly Cooper 2 on the PlayStation). When hubby and Son #3 arrived (around 8PM!) I was treated to a full report about who was at the party and what happened, and who said what, and what the latest family news was. Talk about role reversal! I was loving it. Normally I take the kid to a party and then come home with the 411, and after I speak for five or ten minutes straight, hubby gives me a quizzical look that makes me think he hadn't heard word one.

I was a good person and did not respond to his news bulletin with a flip "Oh, did you say something?" but commented constructively and said how pleased I was that he had a good time. I'm hoping that in the future we can trade off more with "party duty." It might even be beneficial to him as an electrician: he heard from a friend that there's likely a big side job in the offing. Yeah!!!

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