Monday, November 2, 2009


Serves me right, maybe, for always trying to squeeze in one more thing. I can't MERELY get up, shower, eat, put lunches together, and get the kids motivated for school. I have to also empty the dishwasher, do food prep for tonight, and bring plastic and aluminum to the recycling bucket in the garage.

On the way to the garage, which is down several steps, at 6:20 in the morning, the front piece of the top step cracked. I went down hard, bruising the left side of my derriere as I bounced all the way to the bottom. Bouncing may be natural for tiggers, but my tail doesn't like it. I'm really glad I didn't break my coccyx or crack one of the lower spinal vertebrae, but MAN do I have a nasty swollen part on my backside.

I've got a business meeting today in NYC, so I have to take the Long Island Rail Road in a couple of hours. Lots of walking too. Right now I'm sitting on my couch, with an ice pack wedged behind/under my tush. It still hurts like a $#@%&.

So if your Monday morning began uneventfully, and you're cursing Mondays on principle, be grateful that you didn't have this particular start to your week!

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