Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Who Dat?

This morning, I cooked a pot of rice mixed with quinoa and two kinds of chicken sausage, for tonight's dinner. Son #1 has "mini band camp" from 6 to 9 at the high school, and I have to go hand in a bunch of paperwork there as well. At least he'll get to eat real food before I dash home from work to grab him and take him over there, and the rest of the troops will eat real food. Tomorrow night and Thursday are a question mark right now.

After I ate my breakfast, finished cooking, and left everything on the stove top to cool, I took my crocheting bag to relax for a little while. After I looked at News 12 weather, I flipped through the movie channels. Finding "So I Married an Axe Murderer" I smiled and started watching it midway through. I love these screwball comedies, and I enjoyed the casting. Nancy Travis is the cute widow who unbeknownst to Mike Myers is covering up the trail of husbands that her mentally ill sister (Amanda Plummer) has offed. The prospective groom instead suspects that his bride to be is the murderess, and it goes on from there. Great cameo by Steven Wright as a rather unconventional airline pilot.

Anyhow, Son #2 wakes up and comes in to join me while I'm watching. He asks what's on the TV so I tell him...and uncover just enough of the plot to pique his interest. We come to the wedding scene, with the groom's family in full Scottish garb. My son's incredulous reaction: "She's marrying Austin Powers?!?"

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