Thursday, September 2, 2010

Here's to Your Health

Today we got a memo from our HR department and our chief officers that we would have a new health insurance carrier for medical and pharmacy as of October 1.

The good news: we're not enduring a 32.5% increase in our premium by staying with the previous carrier; it's a major network so all our doctors seem to be in it; we already have some documentation about how it's supposed to work; costs and policies are at least as good as they were before.

The bad news: we have to remember to produce our new insurance cards any time any one of the five of us sees a doctor in the near future (up to a year for those who only see us for annual checkups); we have to verify that everything works as advertised; there's almost always something funky with how the prescription plan handles diabetic supplies. I know, Hubby has been a diabetic for close to 40 years, and we should be used to it by now...we just don't have to like it.

I guess another point for the "good" side is that we have another month to prepare. Off we go into the wild Blue Cross/Blue Shield yonder.

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