Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to Make the House Smell GREAT on a Wednesday Morning

1. Tuesday night after the kids to go bed, take those six overripe bananas in the Ziploc bag in the fridge that you've been saving for "whenever" and put them in a plastic container. Mash them well, and stir in a liberal sprinkling of cinnamon. Refrigerate.

2. Put three cups of brown sugar in a container and set on kitchen counter. Get another container and do likewise with half a cup of oats, a cup and a half of whole wheat flour, and two teaspoons of baking soda.

3. Wednesday morning, get up 10 minutes early (the hardest part of all of this!).

4. Before you shower and start your routine, heat your oven to 350. Dump the bananas in a huge bowl. Mix in four eggs, a cup of vegetable oil, and a cup of plain nonfat yogurt. Mix in the brown sugar and then the dry ingredients until everything is just combined. Divide into three greased loaf pans and pop in oven.

5. Go about your regular business but don't forget to take the pans out of the oven when the contents have browned ever so nicely.

BOY were the kids excited to wake up this morning and smell the banana bread. And they even got to taste some before leaving for school.

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