Some of the kids, including my son, did not bring long pants. Braving Mother Nature's gifts during the day was enough of a challenge -- although we were grateful it did not rain except for a little while upon arrival. The cabins where campers stayed, and most of the chaperones too, did have electricity, showers, sinks, and toilets, but were not heated. I wondered whether homeless people do what I did: dressed in several layers of clothing to go to sleep when it's that cold out. The first night I was too cold to sleep, except fitfully after 3:30am. The second night I went all out: panty hose, pajama pants, sweat pants, three pairs of socks, three shirts, sweatshirt, jacket, hat, hood, gloves. Inside the sleeping bag with all of that clothing I did sleep soundly the second night, and the third. But boy what a shock having to disrobe to get in the shower. Brrr.
I hope I never again take for granted the industrial world comfort of a heated home.
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