Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yes, Virginia...

At an open discussion at the dinner table, we discovered that -- alas -- our seven-year-old no longer has stars of mystery in his eyes when he thinks of Santa Claus.  It had to happen sometime.  He knows it's Mom and Dad (truth be told, it's Mom who does all of the planning, shopping, wrapping, schlepping, etc.).  I was toying with Son #2, asking him if he's ever really seen anyone bringing the presents...but he said he knows they're in the basement somewhere.  Our oldest said something really sweet (out of character).  He believes that Santa is the spirit of Christmas...meaning the good will and the gift giving and the gathering of family.  I really liked that, because it transcends the religious part (although the kids are Jewish, we have never talked about a Hanukkah Harry or whatever they call it).  I think our living room looks pretty neat with the little Christmas tree (with all of the kid-created ornaments) and the electric menorah and the snowman decorations in the windows.  I'm beginning to enjoy the holiday season now that the cards and presents have been sent to faraway places, teachers' gifts have been sent to school, AND...I finished wrapping presents this morning!


Jen said...

I love that! So sweet!

I have been waiting for Julia to say something about Santa, but I think she really still believes. Considering she's turning 9 in February, it probably will be the last year.... :( (Unless of course she's just being SO smart and not saying anything....)


GeekSoccerMom said...

I'm still a kid at heart in many ways, and of course I don't believe in Santa, but I DO believe in the magic of the holiday season to bring out the best in many people. Holiday hugs to ya, Jen.