Thursday, October 29, 2009

'Tis the Season?

Yeah, it's kind of disgusting but I have indeed begun my holiday prep. I went to and ordered the holiday card pictures (using two nice pix from Son #1's bar mitzvah, one of the old folks and one of the Three Amigos). I addressed them in dribs and drabs during this week and remembered to buy some holiday stamps at COSTCO too.

Tonight I went to Sports Authority and Toys 'R' Us to get some Hanukkah presents. I also ordered two "nights" worth for the kids on Amazon. If I have the Hanukkah stuff wrapped and labeled before I leave on my business trip the Sunday after Thanksgiving, I'll be able to relax there during my downtime. It would help to have taken a whack at the Christmas prep too.

If I'm not organized and don't plan well in advance, either I don't get it done or the stress is too great. And so we go!


Arthur said...

Do you really have to do Hannukah and Christmas for each of them? How about divvying up - steven and Jason, you're Jewish this year, mark you're the Christian? ;)

Shelly just took our kids in for holiday pictures - it is nice to have a professional take them, but $200 later... Well they are nice photos

GeekSoccerMom said...

Very economical suggestion, Arthur!

They always get Christmas with their grandparents and my other family members. It only hit me two years ago that, if they can celebrate my holiday, I should be getting Hanukkah presents too. :-)