Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wind Outta My Sails

Last night I had the chance to do some holiday shopping after dinner...Borders and Target. When I came home I had to tell hubby something important, so I put everything aside in a safe place (so I thought) for a few minutes. Afterwards, I thought things looked a bit disturbed so I asked the kids...they 'fessed up that they'd quickly looked through all the bags and boxes.

I know they're just being kids, but I was upset. I'm the one who does most of the running around, organizing, wrapping, preparing, etc. and it's a real joy to see the surprises when gifts are opened. So now what do I get for all my hard work? Where will my holiday spirit come from this year?

Sorry this is a sad post but I can't help it. Hopefully this feeling will pass.

1 comment:

Arthur said...

That's when you tell them you're trading those toys in for lumps of coal. Then switch a few out and surprise 'em anyway.

Actually you're lucky you have boys. I don't think we've ever been able to surprise Elizabeth unless they arrived in the house wrapped - she knows all the hiding places and leaves no tracks...