Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fun?!? Duh! Mental.

Those of us over 40 who grew up in the States used to see those adorable "Reading is Fundamental" TV commercials. The RIF acronym only acquired that other meaning (Reduction in Force) in the late eighties. As my own childhood was, in politically correct terms, unsatisfying, books were most of my best friends until my later teens. However, the Three Amigos have different ideas.

All three have school district recommended summer reading lists for their grade level (9, 7, and 4). The oldest has an assignment to read a novel and write about it before the beginning of the fall term. Still...last night, when I casually mentioned that we would go to the public library tonight to get summer reading material, I might as well have said that I was sending all three kids off to training camp for suicide bombers. Sheesh. What an outcry.

I'm holding the cards, though. If they want to go to the pool after dinner, they'll have to be quick about choosing their books. No moping around the library and whining about having to read over the summer. For example, last night Son #2 threw up his hands and moaned, "Mom, I already know how to read." Sigh, good thing I'm committed to this parenting thing. Or else I'd really be committed.

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