Thursday, July 8, 2010

How Did the Geese Cross the Road?

Well, I guess it's no surprise that geese traveling on foot have chutzpah. Long Island culture screams chutzpah! I've seen groups crossing side streets and even secondary roads seemingly without regard to the vehicle traffic, even as if they had priority over cars, trucks, etc. This morning was the first time I've seen the geese crossing a road where traffic moves at 55+ miles per hour.

I was heading east on the Sunrise Highway, by Station Road in Bellport, when I saw them a short distance up the road. A few cars had slowed down -- luckily, traffic was light -- and the geese were just about across the right lane, heading for the left. By the time I got to them I'd been able to safely go to the right lane to avoid them. However, they did appear to be hurrying, as if they'd finally grasped the grim reality of highway traffic: either a driver refuses to stop for an animal on principle (sad, but true) or a driver cannot stop safely in time to avoid the animal. I wonder whether the flock has been thinned during highway crossing expeditions.

At any rate, all five of 'em made it to the median. I didn't stick around to see whether they were attempting to cross the westbound lanes as well.

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