Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pedaling It All Around Town

Son #1 is enrolled in a theatre arts workshop at the local high school for the five weeks of July. Being that it's during the day, and no one is home to drive him, on Monday morning he made his first two and a half mile bike ride to the high school (mostly southeast). He was fine navigating the main roads, and he worked up a good sweat.

After the second day, he tells me that he's going to catch a ride with his friend L to and from the high school from here on in (fantastic, since she's one of his best buddies). Where does L live? About two miles east of where we live! Oh well, at least there's the companionship factor...a third friend is carpooling with them too. Maybe he'll go somewhere for lunch with them afterwards sometimes, etc. I told him that he just needs to pick up the phone and let his brother and either Mom or Dad know that he won't be home 'til later.

I know I used to be a teenager, and I do remember some of it, but it's a new era. Scary.

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