Friday, February 11, 2011

Catching the Bus

This week has been a transitional time for my fourth grader, but especially for me! He goes to school for early activities four days a week as of January: one day for band, two for chorus, and one for recorder ensemble. Getting him to before school care by 7:30 on those early days was a real pain in the patootie, and then it was rush rush when he arrived because he had to eat breakfast and be on the early bus to his elementary school by 7:45. No one was happy.

However, he can get up a bit later if he takes the early bus directly from the house...two blocks away, arriving at 8:05. Eating breakfast at home is exciting for him because he gets waffles (which only happens some of the time at Care) and orange juice (which he doesn't drink at Care; maybe it's not Tropicana?). Four days a week I can make sure he's on the air before I go to work; for now we'll still go to Care on Tuesdays.

On Monday I walked down to the bus stop with him, and waited for the bus to show up and for him to get on it. On Wednesday I watched him go down the block before I headed off to work. Yesterday I left about five minutes before he had to get going. This morning I beat it as he was eating breakfast. It wasn't such a big deal if he forgot to lock the house because his dad is home recovering from surgery (although not awake yet) but as of some point he'll be the last one to leave. Hopefully the key thing will become a habit by then.

Waah!!! My baby is growing up!!!

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