Thursday, May 19, 2011

Effective Advertising

Are you old enough, as I am, to remember the "plop plop fizz fizz" commercials for Alka-Seltzer? And I think it was Ny-Quil for the blah-blah-blah-so-you-can-get-some-rest TV ad, or something like that. The Mucinex cartoon with the green blobs is very cute, and I'd heard the product was very good.

Well, I've been fighting a cold my kids gave me...congestion...bit of a cough, and I took Mucinex DM for the first time last night.! Within minutes I could feel like all the mucus inside my sinuses dried up. Only woke up once coughing during the night, and was able to get right back to sleep. I think they should make a commercial where the green blob merely says: "Congested? Coughing? This stuff works!"

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