Monday, May 9, 2011

Let's Hear It for CVS!

On Saturday, I took Son #2 to the ears/nose/throat specialist because he'd stayed home from school the previous day due to congestion, coughing, and overall malaise. Sure enough, sinus we got a prescription for liquid augmentin (the usual). The doctor's assistant was nice enough to call it in, because we had plans to go to the Ducks game in a couple of hours and wanted to maximize our chances of getting a dose of medicine in him beforehand.

Wouldn't you know it, the computer system at our CVS was down, and they took my cell number with the promise to call once the prescription was ready. Well, we went to the ball game and forgot all about the prescription temporarily. About halfway through the game, my cell phone rang. It was Frank, from our CVS. He explained that he was calling me not because the medicine was ready to be picked up, but because CVS was still in a state of corporate wide computer outage and he didn't know when he could promise the medicine. He had seen that we called the prescription in, and he'd tried to get back in touch with our doctor, but hadn't been able to reach the office. He was hoping that we could try again on Monday and was nothing but apologetic.

What Frank didn't know is that I had the script in my possession, so was able to go to another pharmacy and have it filled after the ball game was over. He was relieved that we'd get the prescription filled that evening instead of waiting until Monday. He told me that he hated to lose our business but he would hate even more to see the child go without his medicine. (!)

At this point, I paused and told him that he'd pretty much guaranteed our long term business by taking the time and effort to do all he'd done. He seemed genuinely surprised and grateful to hear that. I thanked him and wished him luck with the computers.

Because I work in customer service, I like to catch people doing it right...and I try to have more of this kind of story than the negative kind. Please feel free to retell this one for me. And I hope you will have plenty of your own "caught someone doing it right" stories.

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