Monday, May 16, 2011

What's in a Donut?

Yesterday afternoon, while running errands before dashing home to take a kid to a soccer game, I realized that I hadn't eaten lunch and wouldn't get the allowed myself the guilty pleasure of stopping in at the donut shop next to the supermarket.

One of the trays had a round chocolate enrobed model with a cutesy name, so I asked the server what was inside. He shrugged and called to his manager. After a long pause, manager said it was like a Boston cream. I agreed to try it. As the server was ringing it up, the manager came back and said that it was jelly (which I hate!). Momentarily repulsed, I asked them to switch it for a real Boston cream variety. Unpleasant taste sensation averted.

At that moment, however, a thought struck me. What if the manager hadn't caught the mistake in time, and I'd had a food allergy? (We do have allergies to certain fruits in my family.) Another thought struck me: the young cashier and his fairly young manager both seemed to be blissfully unaware of how clueless they appeared, being completely unfamiliar with their store's product line. Both of them also seemed not to be bothered at all by this. I wonder whether this is a breach of their responsibility as franchisees of the international enterprise.

I remain completely underwhelmed, and relieved that this was in a completely different neighborhood than my own. In my book it's a double customer service fail! Well, at least the donut was yummy.

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