Friday, August 19, 2011

Ten Year Itch?

Anyone who knows me well knows that I adore babies, and that I would have had more of them. When I had the amniocentesis when pregnant with Son #3 (recommended by OBGYN because of my "advanced" age of 36) and the sono tech told us she knew it was a third boy, right then and there I told hubby that I was prepared to do this again in two years so he could have his little girl. His "I'm sick of little penises around the house" sentiment was balanced by his belief that he was too old, too tired, too poor, too busy, and too impatient to have a fourth kid. Okay, I was content with three.

Today the third child is ten years old. A lot's happened in the past 10 years, beginning with 9/11 which happened when he was a newborn. I'm in my late forties now, amid activities for the older two which require me to be attached to a car constantly...either chauffeuring them someplace or buying them stuff...and I still have my 40 minute commute to work. So free time is rather at a premium, and my energy is not what it once was, even though I'm in good health and good shape.

So, even though this may come as a shock to you, I'm okay with the fact that 1) I last gave birth ten years ago today, and 2) I'm never going to do it again. However...I'm not ready for grandchildren anytime soon!!!

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