Monday, January 12, 2009


Our normal tuck-in schtick is that Sons #1 and 2 like to have a song.  We do a lot of sappy vocalists and show tunes.  Last night it was "A Bushel and a Peck" and "If I Could."  Son #3 likes to read a story.  We were about 2/3 finished with his new Bakugan book the night before.  (Bakugan is almost like the next generation Pokemon, at least that's what it seems like to me.)  

Before we got down to reading, I was already feeling the evening chill (which for me is just a bit worse than the daytime chill...I usually feel chilly) so I asked to snuggle first.  He put his arms around me and said, "Oh yeah Mom, it's been a while since we snuggled."  Pause.  "About three hours."  Life is good.

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