Wednesday, June 17, 2009

From the Nation's Capital

It has been a genuine pleasure to be a tourist in Washington, D.C. for a few days while working a conference here. The Special Libraries Association annual powwow is one of my regular meetings. It's a real treat to see and talk with the Physics/Astronomy/Math division folks, even in the face of disastrous financial news this year. Many tales are being told about science libraries being "consolidated" with general or humanities collections (a euphemism for the closure of the science library and the downsizing of staff). I hope they will weather the storm.

The DC Metro is very clean, and I had no problem following the signs when I wondered which side of the tracks would be the train northeast or southwest...and where to go to transfer from the green line to the red line. I'm not a city person at all, and because of business trips I know many cities a whole lot better than I know Manhattan. I found the art most inspiring at the National Portrait Gallery and the Hirshhorn Museum. Since I don't mind warm, muggy weather, I enjoyed walking The Mall to see the sights. Having seen the Reflecting Pool in movies (such as Forrest Gump) it was weird and wonderful to stand at the edge of it. Hearing live blues amid thousands of people on the lawn by the Monument gave me a real sense of "we the people."

Heading home tonight. If I arrive before 9PM, I'll have to ask the driver to drop me at the corner of my street, which will still be blockaded because of the US Open. I hope the golf fans are enjoying themselves, anyway!

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