Monday, September 29, 2008

Change of Season

Here on Long Island, we still have much of the summer humidity but the fall temperatures are sneaking in slowly.  It will be October in a couple of days.  Tonight begins Rosh Hashanah, and we will be having a holiday dinner at home.  I'm working today, so yesterday morning I prepared most of the holiday meals (for tonight and tomorrow night).  I made the batter for the matzo balls (using my mother-in-law's secret ingredient, seltzer).  Two kinds of noodle pudding:  one with raisins and one without (for the kids, natch) but both with plenty of cinnamon.  An apple honey cake with bananas (sort of a variation of my usual banana bread) for dessert.  A casserole (traditionally called kugel) with mashed butternut squash, sweet potato, apple, and carrot.  There's enough sugar free maple syrup in there to keep the kids happy and to make it accessible to Diabetic Man.  He will roast the chicken tonight and the turkey breast tomorrow night before I get home.  The holiday foods have a bit of sweetness in the ingredients so we will be off to a good start for a sweet New Year.  I'm all for that!

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