Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy to Do Dishes?!?

Normally I cook dinner six nights a week.  Friday is the end of the work week for me, and I'm exhausted; we go to the food court at the mall or the local Italian place etc.  Well, yesterday Son #1 had a soccer game at 4:30 which was approximately 20 minutes from the house.   They started late and we didn't get home until 6:45, which gave hubby all the time in the world to cook dinner after he got home from work.  Striped bass (which they caught on their fishing trip Saturday night) plus rice and black beans and broccoli.  He's a good cook -- certainly better than I -- but rarely takes over in the kitchen.

Last night after we finished, he said that he would like to cook Sunday dinner from now on.  I tried to control my exuberance but now I can say YIPPEE WAH-HOO OH BOY WHEEEEEE!!!  Y'mean I don't have to spend an hour and a half cooking various dishes, and timing them to be ready at the same time, and I have to do ten or fifteen minutes worth of dishes instead?  Maybe I can force myself to sit on the couch and watch some sporting event while a meal is being cooked for me.  Heh heh evil grin...

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