Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How Proud Should I Be?

Recall that Son #1 has a cell phone now.  (And he's figured out how to download games onto it...so much for emergency calls only, harumph.  But I digress.)  He gave it to Dad to hold during soccer practice today.  Mom picked up Son #3 from after care and met Dad at home after he dropped off the other two at practice.   This stuff is kind of typical in our house, although I understand that some others feel like ping pong balls when they hear about what we do...

Anyway, I'm making dinner when the dad comes into the kitchen and says, "Let's see how well you know your children."  Huh?  He flips open said cell phone to show the wallpaper picture, and I have to guess what it is.  OK.  At first glance, it looks like four bean bags that are overlapped in the middle.  It also looks a bit like four Pillsbury biscuits-in-a-can baking together on the tray.  I have a third thought, rather absurd, which I immediately discount.  After staring blankly for another few seconds, I return wide-eyed to thought number three.  "This is Son #2's butt, isn't it?"  Yup.  Hubby did seem mighty impressed that I recognized my ten year old son's naked butt cheeks and upper thighs in a postage stamp sized fuzzy photo.  As he walked away, I found myself smiling and thinking, "Heh heh heh..."  But then I wondered:  should I really be this pleased?  Ugh.

Well, 'tis true that I have three boys (FOUR, if you count the 44 year old who is the natural spawn of my mother-in-law) and they do resort to loud raucous play which involves the occasional nudity.  Mooning.  Extreme wedgies.  Rat tails with wet towels after trips to the beach.  Shower shenanigans.  Sigh.  Must I be the sole tie to civilized behavior here?  Tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.

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