Friday, October 1, 2010


Last night, I had to go straight to the high school after work, to attend the open house. They began homeroom at 6:12PM. Just enough time to stop for a slice of pizza on the way (whole wheat crust, spinach, tomato, and ricotta...mmm). I arrived home around 8:45 to find Son #3 gleefully showing off a bloody tooth in the palm of his hand. It matched the bloody tooth socket in his lower front jaw.

After I washed the tooth and handed it back to him, I took a closer look in his mouth. It was obvious that the tooth had been torn out with some force. Not even a tiny point of the adult tooth was showing. Sigh. Son #2 came over and whispered to me that the tooth wasn't ready to come out and that his brother worked on it until it came loose.

Our tooth fairy is middle class, so the kids don't make an exceptional amount of money. Is it the fun of counting all the quarters? Is it just the thrill of waking up and knowing that there will be something under the pillow? Maybe I can get the dentist to speak with my little tooth puller. Sigh.

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