Monday, November 24, 2008

What Have You Done Today to Make You Feel Proud?

This morning, I was doing the post breakfast ritual of brushing my teeth and washing my braces so I could pop them back in, and from the bathroom I heard the bickering of the two older offspring as they ate their cereal:

"Stop chewing with your mouth open!"
"I can chew however I want.  Stop being so annoying!"
"Well, you're annoying me."
"You don't have to pick on me all the time."
Blah, blah, blah.

By the time I was finished in the bathroom, I'd heard enough.  I went over to the table and told them I was tired of that game and that we were going to play a new game called Fill in the Blank.  I told Son #1 that he was to look at his brother and fill in the blank at the end of this sentence:  "Something that you do that I think is really great is..."   With a sarcastic smile he replied, "Nothing."  That earned him 15 minutes early to bed tonight, and the turn passed to Son #2, who said "Math."  Definitely true there.  

Finally my oldest wanted to play.  He said, "Well, you're great at farting."  Although I was hoping for a different kind of answer (something that would instill pride in his younger brother) I really couldn't disagree.  If you haven't yet read the November 16 posting, see that for reference.   And, BTW, my niece and sister-in-law want to see "Fartacus:  The Musical" on Broadway someday.  It might be a welcome addition to the mix after Spamalot closes.

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